Kennards Hire - Hire or Rent Equipment, Tools & Supplies

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    Find your inspiration here. Our easy to follow how-to's and advice can you help get the job done.

    Backyard Projects

    From restoring your timber deck to laying new turf in your yard – we have you covered. We've teamed up with turf expert Blair Christiansen from Eden Park to provide you expert advice on your next DIY project. Discover how you can tackle your projects with the right equipment and have you showing off your new yard in no-time!

    Get the Equipment To Take On the Backyard

    Bedroom Projects

    Tired of starring at ugly wall paper, walking on 50-year-old carpet, or getting into bed each night with the same person? Well we can’t help you out with that last point, but we can provide great advice on the first two. Why not, snazzy up your bedroom from boring to breathtaking with a few tips and the right equipment from us!

    Painting Projects

    Painting can sometimes be a daunting task when you’re unsure where to start. From prepping to applying we have you covered with our top tips and can show you how using the right tools can make your job easy. So, if you haven’t picked up a paintbrush since year 5 art class count on us to roll you back into it.

    Wet Area Projects

    There is something about renovating a Kitchen, Laundry or Bathroom that many DIYers dream about! Find out how you can tackle them with the right equipment and advice to get you started. Take pride in your DIY skills and complete the job’s you didn’t know you could do!

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